Source code for pypianoroll.track

"""Classes for single-track piano rolls.


- BinaryTrack
- StandardTrack
- Track



from typing import Optional, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from numpy import ndarray

from .visualization import plot_track

__all__ = [


_Track = TypeVar("_Track", bound="Track")
_StandardTrack = TypeVar("_StandardTrack", bound="StandardTrack")

[docs]class Track: """A generic container for single-track piano rolls. Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Track name. program : int, 0-127, optional Program number according to General MIDI specification [1]. Defaults to 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano). is_drum : bool, optional Whether it is a percussion track. Defaults to False. pianoroll : ndarray, shape=(?, 128), optional Piano-roll matrix. The first dimension represents time, and the second dimension represents pitch. References ---------- 1. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[int] = None, is_drum: Optional[bool] = None, pianoroll: Optional[ndarray] = None, ): = name self.program = program if program is not None else DEFAULT_PROGRAM self.is_drum = is_drum if is_drum is not None else DEFAULT_IS_DRUM if pianoroll is None: self.pianoroll = np.zeros((0, 128)) else: self.pianoroll = np.asarray(pianoroll) def __repr__(self) -> str: to_join = [ f"name={repr(}", f"program={repr(self.program)}", f"is_drum={repr(self.is_drum)}", f"pianoroll=array(shape={self.pianoroll.shape}, " f"dtype={self.pianoroll.dtype})", ] return f"Track({', '.join(to_join)})" def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.pianoroll) def __getitem__(self, key) -> ndarray: return self.pianoroll[key] def _validate_type(self, attr): if getattr(self, attr) is None: if attr in ("program", "is_drum", "pianoroll"): raise TypeError(f"`{attr}` must not be None.") return if attr == "program": if not isinstance(self.program, int): raise TypeError( "`program` must be of type int, not " f"{type(self.program)}." ) elif attr == "is_drum": if not isinstance(self.is_drum, bool): raise TypeError( "`is_drum` must be of type bool, not " f"{type(self.is_drum)}." ) elif attr == "name": if not isinstance(, str): raise TypeError( f"`name` must be of type str, not {type(}." ) elif attr == "pianoroll": if not isinstance(self.pianoroll, ndarray): raise TypeError( "`pianoroll` must be a NumPy array, not " f"{type(self.pianoroll)}." )
[docs] def validate_type(self, attr=None): """Raise an error if an attribute has an invalid type. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if attr is None: for attribute in ("program", "is_drum", "name", "pianoroll"): self._validate_type(attribute) else: self._validate_type(attr) return self
def _validate(self, attr): if getattr(self, attr) is None: if attr in ("program", "is_drum", "pianoroll"): raise TypeError(f"`{attr}` must not be None.") return self._validate_type(attr) if attr == "program": if self.program < 0 or self.program > 127: raise ValueError("`program` must be in between 0 to 127.") elif attr == "pianoroll": if self.pianoroll.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "`pianoroll` must have exactly two dimensions." ) if self.pianoroll.shape[1] != 128: raise ValueError( "Length of the second axis of `pianoroll` must be 128." )
[docs] def validate(self, attr=None): """Raise an error if an attribute has an invalid type or value. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if attr is None: for attribute in ("program", "is_drum", "name", "pianoroll"): self._validate(attribute) else: self._validate(attr) return self
[docs] def is_valid_type(self, attr: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Return True if an attribute is of a valid type. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- bool Whether the attribute is of a valid type. """ try: self.validate_type(attr) except TypeError: return False return True
[docs] def is_valid(self, attr: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Return True if an attribute is valid. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to validate. Defaults to validate all attributes. Returns ------- bool Whether the attribute has a valid type and value. """ try: self.validate(attr) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True
[docs] def get_length(self) -> int: """Return the active length of the piano roll. Returns ------- int Length (in time steps) of the piano roll without trailing silence. """ nonzero_steps = np.any(self.pianoroll, axis=1) inv_last_nonzero_step = np.argmax(np.flip(nonzero_steps, axis=0)) return self.pianoroll.shape[0] - inv_last_nonzero_step
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the track. Returns ------- A copy of the object itself. Notes ----- The piano-roll array is copied using :func:`numpy.copy`. """ return Track(, program=self.program, is_drum=self.is_drum, pianoroll=self.pianoroll.copy(), )
[docs] def pad(self: _Track, pad_length: int) -> _Track: """Pad the piano roll. Parameters ---------- pad_length : int Length to pad along the time axis. Returns ------- Object itself. See Also -------- :func:`pypianoroll.Track.pad_to_multiple` : Pad the piano roll so that its length is some multiple. """ self.pianoroll = np.pad( self.pianoroll, ((0, pad_length), (0, 0)), "constant" ) return self
[docs] def pad_to_multiple(self: _Track, factor: int) -> _Track: """Pad the piano roll so that its length is some multiple. Pad the piano roll at the end along the time axis of the minimum length that makes the length of the resulting piano roll a multiple of `factor`. Parameters ---------- factor : int The value which the length of the resulting piano roll will be a multiple of. Returns ------- Object itself. See Also -------- :func:`pypianoroll.Track.pad` : Pad the piano roll. """ remainder = self.pianoroll.shape[0] % factor if remainder: pad_width = ((0, (factor - remainder)), (0, 0)) self.pianoroll = np.pad(self.pianoroll, pad_width, "constant") return self
[docs] def transpose(self: _Track, semitone: int) -> _Track: """Transpose the piano roll by a number of semitones. Parameters ---------- semitone : int Number of semitones to transpose. A positive value raises the pitches, while a negative value lowers the pitches. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if 0 < semitone < 128: self.pianoroll[:, semitone:] = self.pianoroll[ :, : (128 - semitone) ] self.pianoroll[:, :semitone] = 0 elif -128 < semitone < 0: self.pianoroll[:, : (128 + semitone)] = self.pianoroll[ :, -semitone: ] self.pianoroll[:, (128 + semitone) :] = 0 return self
[docs] def trim( self: _Track, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None ) -> _Track: """Trim the piano roll. Parameters ---------- start : int, optional Start time. Defaults to 0. end : int, optional End time. Defaults to active length. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if start is None: start = 0 elif start < 0: raise ValueError("`start` must be nonnegative.") if end is None: end = self.get_length() elif end > len(self.pianoroll): raise ValueError( "`end` must be shorter than the piano roll length." ) self.pianoroll = self.pianoroll[start:end] return self
[docs] def standardize(self: "Track") -> "StandardTrack": """Standardize the track. This will clip the piano roll to [0, 127] and cast to np.uint8. Returns ------- Converted StandardTrack object. """ return StandardTrack(, program=self.program, is_drum=self.is_drum, pianoroll=np.clip(self.pianoroll, 0, 127), )
[docs] def binarize(self, threshold: float = 0) -> "BinaryTrack": """Binarize the track. This will binarize the piano roll by the given threshold. Parameters ---------- threshold : int or float Threshold. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- Converted BinaryTrack object. """ return BinaryTrack( program=self.program, is_drum=self.is_drum,, pianoroll=(self.pianoroll > threshold), )
[docs] def plot(self, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs) -> Axes: """Plot the piano roll. Refer to :func:`pypianoroll.plot_track` for full documentation. """ return plot_track(self, ax, **kwargs)
[docs]class StandardTrack(Track): """A container for single-track piano rolls with velocities. Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Track name. program : int, 0-127, optional Program number according to General MIDI specification [1]. Defaults to 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano). is_drum : bool, optional Whether it is a percussion track. Defaults to False. pianoroll : ndarray, dtype=uint8, shape=(?, 128), optional Piano-roll matrix. The first dimension represents time, and the second dimension represents pitch. Cast to uint8 if not of data type uint8. References ---------- 1. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[int] = None, is_drum: Optional[bool] = None, pianoroll: Optional[ndarray] = None, ): super().__init__(name, program, is_drum, pianoroll) if self.pianoroll.dtype != np.uint8: self.pianoroll = self.pianoroll.astype(np.uint8) def __repr__(self): to_join = [ f"name={repr(}", f"program={repr(self.program)}", f"is_drum={repr(self.is_drum)}", f"pianoroll=array(shape={self.pianoroll.shape}, " f"dtype={self.pianoroll.dtype})", ] return f"StandardTrack({', '.join(to_join)})" def _validate_type(self, attr): super()._validate_type(attr) if attr == "pianoroll" and self.pianoroll.dtype != np.uint8: raise TypeError( "`pianoroll` must be of data type uint8, not " f"{self.pianoroll.dtype}." ) def _validate(self, attr): super()._validate(attr) if attr == "pianoroll" and np.any(self.pianoroll > 127): raise ValueError( "`pianoroll` must contain only integers between 0 to 127." )
[docs] def set_nonzeros(self: _StandardTrack, value: int) -> _StandardTrack: """Assign a constant value to all nonzeros entries. Arguments --------- value : int Value to assign. Returns ------- Object itself. """ self.pianoroll[self.pianoroll.nonzero()] = value return self
[docs] def clip( self: _StandardTrack, lower: int = 0, upper: int = 127 ) -> _StandardTrack: """Clip (limit) the the piano roll into [`lower`, `upper`]. Parameters ---------- lower : int Lower bound. Defaults to 0. upper : int Upper bound. Defaults to 127. Returns ------- Object itself. """ if not isinstance(lower, int): raise ValueError("`lower` must be of type int.") if not isinstance(upper, int): raise ValueError("`upper` must be of type int.") self.pianoroll = self.pianoroll.clip(lower, upper) return self
[docs]class BinaryTrack(Track): """A container for single-track, binary piano rolls. Attributes ---------- name : str, optional Track name. program : int, 0-127, optional Program number according to General MIDI specification [1]. Defaults to 0 (Acoustic Grand Piano). is_drum : bool, optional Whether it is a percussion track. Defaults to False. pianoroll : ndarray, dtype=bool, shape=(?, 128), optional Piano-roll matrix. The first dimension represents time, and the second dimension represents pitch. Cast to bool if not of data type bool. References ---------- 1. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[int] = None, is_drum: Optional[bool] = None, pianoroll: Optional[ndarray] = None, ): super().__init__(name, program, is_drum, pianoroll) if self.pianoroll.dtype != np.bool_: self.pianoroll = self.pianoroll.astype(np.bool_) def __repr__(self): to_join = [ f"name={repr(}", f"program={repr(self.program)}", f"is_drum={repr(self.is_drum)}", f"pianoroll=array(shape={self.pianoroll.shape}, " f"dtype={self.pianoroll.dtype})", ] return f"BinaryTrack({', '.join(to_join)})" def _validate_type(self, attr): super()._validate_type(attr) if attr == "pianoroll" and self.pianoroll.dtype != np.bool_: raise TypeError( "`pianoroll` must be of data type bool, not " f"{self.pianoroll.dtype}." )
[docs] def set_nonzeros(self, value: int) -> "StandardTrack": """Assign a constant value to all nonzeros entries. Arguments --------- value : int Value to assign. Returns ------- Converted StandardTrack object. """ pianoroll = np.zeros(self.pianoroll.shape, np.uint8) pianoroll[self.pianoroll.nonzero()] = value return StandardTrack(, program=self.program, is_drum=self.is_drum, pianoroll=pianoroll, )